Our services
Anyone who has ever been to the Native American Reservations can understand when we say “We work on reservations where very few resources are available.”
give back to our veterans

As a non-profit organization, we provide a way for caring individuals and businesses to give back to our veterans. Using this website anyone can donate funds to help veterans who are in need. And groups and Native American Veterans can apply for assistance, without going through the federal government.
- Food to Veterans and their families
- Sleeping Bags, Blankets, and Backpacks to Veterans and their families who need it the most
- Firewood and other heating resources for Veterans and their families who would otherwise freeze in the harsh Plains and Southwest territories.
- School or Institutional Supplies to Veteran programs on reservations.
- Thanksgiving and Christmas meals to Veterans and their families who may otherwise miss out on the traditional meal.
- Amazon orders with items such as sleeping bags, dental care products, body wash, socks, gloves etc.
- Propane and wood purchased and delivered to VETERANS to help heat their homes!!!
- BULK distribution of house hold items that will help VETERANS and save them money.

partner organizations
Native American Veterans Assistance is actively looking for partner organizations who provide programs, benefits, or services to native veterans and their families. If you or someone you know belongs to such a group, please
Donation Packages
Below is a sample list of things we’d like to help provide along with a cost estimate.
$23 Sleeping Bag
Some Veterans and their families have no choice but to sleep on the floor. Having a sleeping bag makes a huge difference when this is the only option.
$120 Pickup Load of Firewood
Your donation will go towards helping a Veteran stay warm during the winter.
$43 Food Box
Food insecurity is very real on the reservations we work on. We will use your donation to get the best possible prices on food to make sure Veterans and their families do not go hungry.
$59 Thanksgiving Meal
We will provide Thanksgiving meals for as many Veterans and their families as we can with your generous donation.
$59 Christmas Meal
We will provide Christmas meals for as many Veterans and their families as we can with your generous donation.
$100 Energy Assistance
During the harsh winters we experience in the northern plains some people are forced to resort to going without propane or electricity due to the increase in usage. We will help make sure no Veterans go without heat.
$100 Institutional Supplies
Facilities such as Veterans shelters do not always have money in their budget for simple items such as toilet paper. With your donation we can help provide these needed items.
$100 Travel Assistance to VA Hospitals
When traveling many hours to the closest VA is not always an option, Veterans choose to go without care. We will help make sure these Veterans can make their appointments.
$34 Suggested Monthly Supporter
For $34 a month you can help contribute to all of the mentioned services. We at NAVA and the Veterans we serve thank you for helping us assist with making sure our Veterans are getting the help they deserve.